How to Spot a Narcissist


They say the third is a charm, but for the third Bachelor psychological reveal—this former Bachelorette reality show contestant really is NOTHING BUT a charmer! 

A ‘Bachelor’ a Day Keeps Your Wedding Day Away! (Categories based on Don't Sleep With Him Yet, Step 3 “Hard Truths: All About Men and Which to Avoid”)

Juan Pablo Galavais: NARCISSIST

A narcissist, typically good-looking, powerful and/or wealthy, lures you in with charm, but within a few weeks you’ll be taken aback by his lack of reciprocal interest and emotional coldness. Notably, on his season of The Bachelor, Venezuelan soccer star Juan Pablo talked incessantly about himself. But when any of the women opened up about their own lives, he looked decidedly uninterested, and responded with a rote, condescending, “okay, okay.” Also, the day after he and contestant Clare Crawley had sex in the ocean, he showed no regard or empathy for her feelings, the hallmark of narcissism. In fact, he slut-shamed embarrassed, in-tears Clare by saying that he hadn’t even wanted to have sex, that it was “weird” and wrong, and that he didn’t want his young daughter to “see it.” If you think you’re falling for a narcissist, pay close attention to what your partner does versus what he says—because, just like Juan Pablo, what the narcissist does is all about himself.

Frankie Parker