Anyone who's ever had their heart broken by a promising new partner or who has fumbled through a casual hookup will relate to Don't Sleep With Him Yet, a much needed, bold new book written by Beverly Hills clinical psychologist Dr. Nancy Lee. Having helped countless women with every dating and relationship issue imaginable (and then some), Dr. Lee clearly demonstrates how to let go of self-doubt to finally find the fulfilling romantic relationship you desire and deserve. Completely in step with today's often confusing sexual culture, the pages are packed with proactive strategies, eye-opening true stories, and powerful psychological research and revelations including:

  • Turning up the chemistry with someone you're interested in, including what flirting does for the brain

  • How and where to meet "good" men, and exactly which men to avoid

  • The real reasons guys bail on you--from first date forward

  • Why you and your male BFF may be predisposed to fall in love

  • How to deal with the pressure to sleep with a guy you're dating before you're ready

Awaken your "inner badass": stand your ground while you do you. In the process you'll attract men, enjoy romance and ultimately realize true emotional intimacy. And that's just for starters.

Don't Sleep With Him Yet covers topics ranging from the murky area of sexual consent, to what constitutes great sex for both of you, (including when to say "yes"). You'll also discover what drives the psychological allure of the unavailable, why players quickly get bored with a woman after sex, and how narcissistic men use emotional manipulation to keep their partners down. It's not just about finding a partner that truly values you, but about being happier within; Dr. Lee's life lessons are as empowering as they are practical.

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